Master Peace Bedroom-One Room Challenge Fall 2018- Week 6 (THE REVEAL)

Hello everyone!

If you are reading this and have followed along during these past 6 weeks… Thank you! Your encouragement and tips have really helped me finish and motivated me to give it my all. It’s hard to believe 6 weeks have made such an impact on my master bedroom, this challenge really helped me focus on finishing such an important space in my home that needed love and design.

Just as a reminder, this was my room before the challenge, you can go back to see more of the before and read my initial ideas here. But basically, the room just had a bed and a set of foldable tables.


This master bedroom is big but 6 weeks ago it seemed small because the bed was so dense and there was nothing else to balance the size. Now it’s spacious and airy as any bedroom should feel.


Don’t you just want to jump in this bed and stay there? I know I do! We’ve been sleeping in the guest bedroom for most of this challenge and it will be nice to sleep in my bedroom again tonight!

After many difficulties encountered with these 3D panels, I finally got them to look like I always wanted. As I was painting them I did doubt myself on whether they would look good, and I was so happy when I finished because it really added the dimension I wanted. This wall has so much character and the kaleidoscope effect has me crazy in love.

The floor also created warmth in the bedroom and makes it feel so cozy. The rug helped framing the bed while adding color to the room, did I mention I love this rug as well? It’s really a lovely accent to the room and the color is beautiful.

As for the rest of the room, on the opposite side I went with a vanity/writing table and framed several pictures from my wedding and a mirror. It turned out to be one of my favorite nooks in this project, because the colors and contrast were a perfect balance. I enjoy seeing the 3D wall through the mirror since it’s like looking into the master “peace” of this bedroom. Beside it being eye catching, the space is super comfortable and the light is perfect for putting on make-up, reading and writing.


I also added an accent wall next to the room entrance, where I framed a map of Antigua Guatemala and several pictures of my children. For anyone who has been to Guatemala, you know why I chose it over a map of the city. If you have never been there, it is a beautiful place and my favorite spot back home. I have so many beautiful memories of this place and having the map brings a smile to my face as I remember walking through those streets. It’s a special memento of the room and reminds me everyday of my beautiful Guatemala.


Every detail of this room was thought out and I wanted it to evoke feelings through color, accents, decor and style. I also wanted it to feel spacious and comfortable. I am happy with the result and so is my husband who has helped and motivated me through this challenge. This is our special room and I will forever be grateful with One Room Challenge for encouraging me to transform such an important space in my home.

I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did and look forward to reading your comments below.

If you haven’t seen the featured designers’ reveals you should definitely go and check them out. And if you’re like me, and want to see more don’t forget to read the rest of the guest participants and congratulate them on their great work.

Be stellar!

